"To live fully is to embrace the reality of loss. It is through our losses that we come to know the depth of our own resilience and the capacity of our hearts to expand."
- Francis Weller
What is a grief doula?
The term doula comes from Greek and means woman who serves. Originally it was used for women who support other women emotionally, physically, mentally, and sometimes spiritually, while they are preparing for and laboring in the birthing process. There are also end-of-life doulas who support, in all those same ways, a person who is in the process of dying. As a grief doula, my intention is to support others in the process of their grief, to walk with them as they navigate the difficult terrain of loss.

Who might be interested in my offerings?
Being human means we will experience losses - a situation, a stage of life, a relationship or a person we loved - all bring grief. It is a natural process that allows us to fully experience and integrate each loss so we can move forward in our life. As we experience our grief, it may include many emotions in addition to sorrow. We may feel anger, confusion, overwhelm, and even gratitude and joy. We may feel stuck or anxious to get on to something new. There is no specific path that everyone takes; there is only the path that you take.
If you are in grief for any kind of loss, if your life is in a period of significant change and you feel lost in the transition, if you can't seem to find your way forward after losing someone you loved, please be in touch. I would be honored to be present with you in the depth of your feelings, allowing your grief to be a transformative journey that leads to deeper connections with yourself and your world.
As a grief doula, I will hold space for your grief, walk with you on your journey, and find ways to increase your capacity to live with the loss you carry.
There is no right way; there is only your way.

The name Grief Momma came to me when I was first thinking about doing this work. It signifies to me both the primary loss I carry, and it is a nod to the Motrin Mommas, or just Mommas, a soccer team of wonderful women who first met on the pitch. Decades later, we are still a group of sorts, sharing lots of other activities, and weathering the ups and downs of life together. In the depths of my loss, I was shown the power of kindness and community through these women.